
Donation to help the people in Ukraine

Thanks to everyone who purchased the collection “The Strenght Of Freedom’s Will”, a charity collection to raise money for the people in Ukraine, I was able to donate € 400,- to the United Aid Organizations for Giro 555 in The Netherlands.

The United Aid Organizations raised over 150 million Euro’s in The Netherlands with a national fundraising for the people in Ukraine.

The total sales of this collection minus the store commissions was $410.00, I decided to pay the Paypal fees myself, converted this to Euro’s and rounded it up to € 400,-.

I would like to thank everyone who purchased the collection. Together we can make a difference for all these people in need because of this terrible war.

The Strenght Of Freedom’s Will Charity Collection For Ukraine

Something terrible is happening in Ukraine at the moment. Millions of people have already left their country and millions more will leave. For people in Europe, included myself a war has never been that close to home since WOII.

With this charity collection “The Strenght Of Freedom’s Will” my Creative Team and I are raising money to help to people in Ukraine. All of my commission for the sale of this collection (sale price minus store commission and Paypal fees) will be donated to the United Aid Organization for giro 555 in The Netherlands.

The United Aid Organization is a collaboration of 11 aid organizations in which organizations as The Red Cross, Unicef and Save The Children are seated.

When a lot of money is needed for victims of war or a natural disaster the United Aid Organization of The Netherlands opens “giro 555” (a banking code to where Dutch people can donate) to raise money.

More info about this fundraising for Ukraine is on: https://giro555.nl/ .The website is in Dutch, but I think the images will speak for itself.

In the beginning of April I will tell how much money was raised with the selling of this collection. Follow my website, newsletter and social media channels for that.

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