
Jewels Of The Sea

I just love working with vibrant colors at the moment, maybe it is because the sun if finally shining after months of grey skies and rainy weather. I hope you like these colors too.

This new Mega Kit is all about the and sea life. These is no collection this time, but the Mega Kit is huge though. It contains 198 unique elements and 24 unique papers.

This Mega Kit is on sale with 30% off until May 26 and available in my shop at Gingerscraps.

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I love Greece and spend a lot of holidays there. I have a few favorite Greek islands, but I think Santorini is the most beautiful Greek Island.

Although the elements of this collection are pretty common for Greece in general, the papers are surely all about Santorini.

This collection is on sale with 50% off until April 14.

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The Southern Land

Australia is not only well known for it’s beautiful cities but also for it’s nature and wildlife. Let’s go on a trip to the Australian outback and enjoy the nature with it’s beautiful colors en meet all the animals.

This collection is on sale with 30% off until January 21.

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Escape To The City

Don’t you just love to go on city trips and explore the world! With this mini collection you can scrap your city trip pictures or just create classic clustered layouts with it.

This collection is on sale with 50% off until April 23.

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Are you longing to go traveling again, maybe to some tropical island. This “Hawaii” collection will bring you in the mood. This collection is part of the Coördinated Spring Collection at Digital Scrapbooking Studio.

All packs are on sale for only $1.00 each. The complete collection with a free pack of watercolor papers is on sale for only $8.00. The sale will end on May 28.

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Circle Of Life & Freebie

“Circle Of Life” is an African themed collection. Of course it contains African wildlife and animal prints but also enough elements to make it useful for all kind of occasions. The warm colors are also perfect for Fall projects.

This collection is on sale with 25% off until November 8.

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