
Fairy Forest

Do you believe in fairy tales? If you do this collection might be perfect for you, if you do not, then there are enough other elements in the kit to also create a fantastic layout with.

This new Collection “Fairy Forest” is on sale with 30% off until March 16.

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Happiness Found

Flowers are my happiness! Those of you who know me a little bit as a designer know that I love to put a lot of flowers in my scrapkits.

This collection is a classic one and all about flowers. It is also a little warm-up towards Spring with it’s soft colors.

This collection is on sale with 30% off until February 23.

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Where Have All The Flowers Gone

As you might know already I love to put a lot of flowers in my scrapkits, so did I in this new kit called “Where Have All The Flowers Gone”. I also love peonies en you will find them in coral, sage and cream in this kit, this are also the main colors of the kit.

This collection is on sale with 50% off until April 21.

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Welcome Spring

Goodbye Winter and Welcome Spring!

I am so happy that Spring season is almost here, it is my favorite season and I just love to see nature blooming again and feel the warmth of the sun. This Winter was relatively warm with rain almost every day, so to see the sun more often feels so good.

dThis new collection in Dusty Blue an Blush colors is full with roses, peonies and birds. The collection is on sale with 30% off until March 24.

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In Naam Van Oranje

In The Netherlands each year we celebrate “King’s Day” on April 27. It is our King’s birthday and it’s a national holiday. Most people are dressed in Orange, our national color, and go outdoors to flee markets, festivals or other activities that are being organized to celebrate.

Because our national color is Orange I wanted to do an Orange scrapkit, but because only Orange was a bit boring I added some greenery and some Light Blue to make it look a bit more sunnery. The lion is in our national coat of arms, so had to be part of the scrapkit.

This collection is on sale with 30% off until May 7.

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Scent Of Spring

There are two things I love about early Spring. One is the color of new leaves on trees and plants, the green color is so fresh and bright. I also love the smell of fresh mowed grass, especially when the weather is a bit dewy.

I tried to catch these two feelings into one collection. The collection is on sale with 50% off until April 23.

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Secret Garden

Who is ready for some Springtime? I can’t wait for more sunny weather, warmer temperatures and blooming nature.

This collection “Secret Garden” is full with wonderful flowers in pastel colors. It will make your Spring layouts look soft and fresh.

This collection is on sale with 30% off until March 19.

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